The Captain paused at the Dug-out door;
In his breathless way, he observed, “Oh, Lor’,”
What a Pearl of a Girl, you chaps; my word,
I’d buy her a quart of the best, a bird,
A box at the Gaiety – Lor’, what fun.
I’d do the thing as it should be done;
Supper at Murray’s, a perfect floor.
And what could a fellow wish for more?
Sensuous music, a dreamy band,
A delicate pressure of the hand;
Then after a last liqueur or so
A whispered word in the Hail, what, ho!
I’d drive her home in the daylight drab
And trust to luck in the taxi-cab.


The Captain read by Tom Burke
The Captain read by Rupert Evans
The Captain read by Hugh Dancy
Select reading
The Captain read by Tom Burke
The Captain read by Rupert Evans
The Captain read by Hugh Dancy
© Copyright 2025 The Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation. A charity registered in England and Wales number 1145062.