(From ‘Two Songs’)

Ever since observation taught me temptation
Is a matter of timing, I’ve tried
To clothe my fiction in up-to-date diction,
The contemporary jargon of Pride.
     I can recall when, to win the more
       Obstinate round,
     The best bet was to say to them: ‘Sin the more
       That Grace may abound.’

Since Social Psychology replaced Theology
The process goes twice as quick,
If a conscience is tender and loth to surrender
I have only to whisper: ‘You’re sick!
     Puritanical morality
       Is madly Non-U:
     Enhance your personality
       With a Romance, with two.

‘If you pass up a dame, you’ve yourself to blame,
For shame is neurotic, so snatch!
All rules are too formal, in fact they’re abnormal,
For any desire is natch.
     So take your proper share, man, of
       Dope and drink:
     Aren’t you the Chairman of
       Ego, Inc.?

‘Free-Will is a mystical myth as statistical
Methods have objectively shown,
A fad of the Churches: since the latest researches
Into Motivation it’s known
     That Honor is hypocrisy,
       Honesty a joke.
     You live in a Democracy:
       Lie like other folk.

‘Since men are like goods, what are shouldn’ts or shoulds
When you are the Leading Brand?
Let them all drop dead, you’re way ahead,
Beat them up if they dare to demand
     What may your intention be,
       Or what might ensue:
     There’s a difference of dimension be-
       – tween the rest and you.

‘If in the scrimmage of business your image
Should ever tarnish or stale,
Public Relations can take it and make it
Shine like a Knight of the Grail.
     You can mark up the price that you sell at, if
       Your package has glamour and show:
     Values are relative.
       Dough is dough.

‘So let each while you may think you’re more O.K.,
More yourself than anyone else,
Till you find that you’re hooked, your goose is cooked,
And you’re only a cipher of Hell’s.
     Believe while you can that I’m proud of you,
       Enjoy your dream:
     I’m so bored with the whole fucking crowd of you
       I could scream!


Song of The Devil read by Dominic West
Song of the Devil read by Patrick Kennedy
Song of The Devil read by Charles Dance
Song of the Devil read by Julian Glover
Song of the Devil read by Mark Strong
Song of the Devil read by Ralph Fiennes
Select reading
Song of The Devil read by Dominic West
Song of the Devil read by Patrick Kennedy
Song of The Devil read by Charles Dance
Song of the Devil read by Julian Glover
Song of the Devil read by Mark Strong
Song of the Devil read by Ralph Fiennes
© Copyright 2025 The Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation. A charity registered in England and Wales number 1145062.