That silence is best: that action and re-
Action are equal: that control, discipline, and
Liberation are bywords when spoken by an appraiser, that the
Accidental sometimes achieves perfection, loath though we may
be to admit it:
And that the realm of art is the realm in
Which to look for ‘fishbones in the throat of the gang.’ Pin-
Pricks and the unstereotyped embarrassment being the contin-
Ual diet of artists. And in spite of it all, poets ask us just what it
Is in them that we cannot subscribe to:
People overbear till told to stop: no matter through
What sobering process they have gone, some inquire if emotion,
And stimulated are not the same thing: promoters request us to
take our oath
That appearances are not cosmic: mis-
Fits in the world of achievement want to know what bus-
Iness people have to reserve judgment about undertakings. It is
A strange idea that one must say what one thinks in order to be