
Alexandra Dowling

Alexandra is best known for her lead role as Queen Anne in the BBC One historical action drama series The Musketeers. Fans of HBO’s global drama series Game of Thrones, will recognise Alexandra as Roslin Frey. 2012 saw Alexandra’s television debut in “The Drawing of the Dark”, the eleventh episode of the final series of the BBC fantasy drama series Merlin, as a druid girl named Kara. Alexandra has also starred in the thirteenth series of ITV’s Agatha Christie’s Poirot, and has played the female lead Agnes in the epic action film Hammer of the Gods. At the Jermyn Street Theatre, Alexandra has portrayed Bertha in Joshua Stamp-Simon’s stage adaption of St. John Emile Clavering Hankin’s The Last of the De Mullins, and most recently, she played Janet Ormund in I Have Been Here Before.


Epilogue read by Alexandra Dowling
In the Waiting Room read by Alexandra Dowling
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening read by Alexandra Dowling
The Soul selects her own Society read by Alexandra Dowling
Success is counted sweetest read by Alexandra Dowling
One Art read by Alexandra Dowling
Select reading
Epilogue read by Alexandra Dowling
In the Waiting Room read by Alexandra Dowling
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening read by Alexandra Dowling
The Soul selects her own Society read by Alexandra Dowling
Success is counted sweetest read by Alexandra Dowling
One Art read by Alexandra Dowling
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